

Nella sede di “LA PAROLA VERA A.P.S.” di via Roma 46 – San Vittore Olona (MI), vicino Legnano (MI), ci sono due uffici e una sala conferenze disponibili in affitto in modalità coworking. Cosa significa “coworking”? Affitti disponibili a ore, mese o anno; quote mensili comprensive di bollette e TARI; le pulizie degli spazi comuni incluse; caffè e acqua sempre disponibili e stampante pronta all’uso. Tutto ciò che dovrai fare è preoccuparti di venire a lavorare senza pesanti investimenti e senza troppe preoccupazioni per il futuro, perché a noi basta un solo mese di preavviso in caso tu volessi lasciare l’ufficio!
Why dove a charity make business? To support ourselves. We do not have external sponsors, we are only a few people, but we believe that we can do something good for our community. The income of the rentals will be used totally to support our association and bring forward our projects.
Our offices:
BIG OFFICE (28 m2)
4 stations. The disposal of the desks can be customised. Each station has got a chair, a desk and one closet available. This office has a private entry from the back. Contracts available from on month to one year, renewable. 
1 o 2 stations. From the pictures you can see both the option with one desk or the option with two. Each station has got a chair, a desk but, in case of a single station, the closets available will be two. This office has a lovely display window which sees via Roma. Contracts available from on month to one year, renewable.
Up to 40 chairs. Ideal for condominium meetings, book presentations, birthdays, dinners, parties, or for laboratories and activities of other associations, etc. The hall is versatile, we also have a fridge/freezer, a small electric oven, a microwave and tables in needed. The hall can be rented per hours or per event.

Contact us at and we will be happy to give you further information or to make a proper quotation.